Thursday, September 6, 2007

New information on Gracie Xi Dong

We got our package from Great Wall this morning with Gracie's medical information and growth report. She is tiny!!! At 30 months (May) she was 22 pounds and not quite 31 inches - that's roughly size 18 months for clothes! In fact, when we got Lily at age 18 months she was 21 pounds and 31 inches. I'm still trying to grasp how little this sweetie is. Hopefully she will start to really take off as soon as we get her home. She is potty-trained (yeah!) and loves to take showers. Gracie knows some words and likes to talk to herself. She runs, jumps and climbs stairs. She started walking at 18 months, fairly typical for orphanage children. As to why it took her so long to get referred, who really knows? We were certainly ready a long time ago, so she couln't have been waiting for us!!! We're hoping we will get some updated info along with pictures as soon as the orphanage gets our acceptance notification. Thanks for all your kind words. We are all so thrilled and can hardly wait to get our hands on her!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! She really is adorable and I plan on following your blog while you are in China. Good luck with everything!

Sharon said...

We are thrilled here in Antigua!!! I keep looking at Bella who is roughly the same size, minus a couple inches and pounds, and marvelling at how tiny Grace must be! Can't wait to see more info as you get it! Congratulations!!! :)