Sunday, September 2, 2007

It's September 2...Still waiting for word...

Happy Labor Day week-end to all! We are keeping busy this long week-end, trying not to think about what SHOULD be coming next week! The three of us spent a nice day yesterday exploring the beautiful countryside. Today Ted will play in a Whiffle Golf tournament and then we'll all have a BBQ tonight. Ted has to work tomorrow, so Lily and I will get chores done and get her ready for her first day of school on Tuesday. Of course, I will be checking the web every 10 seconds to see if anyone in Europe is posting a referral - they don't have to wait for the holiday!! We'll keep everyone posted... ARGH!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I think I had to physically remove myself from the house in order to keep myself off the computer in those last few days before our referral!!! And we hadn't been waiting long! Once you know you're close, you almost can't help yourself! I hope tomorrow flies by! We're excited all the way down in Guatemala!!!!!