Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day Four, All is Well

We are slowly but surely getting to know each other. Gracie is good at communicating her needs, whether by pointing or shaking her head, or looking troubled (this means "find the potty!"). She continues to astound us with what she knows and what she has already been trained to do. We don't walk around without slippers on, even to go potty in the middle of the night. We zip our own coats. We button. We feed ourselves using forks and spoons. It's like watching a little adult! She is still very quiet, but yesterday for the first time we were treated to giggles and smiles! What a sight that was!!!
Lily is being a great big sister. She is patient and gentle with her, and eager to help.
Yesterday we went to the Guangzhou version of Walmart! What an experience! The meat counter especially was an eye-opener. Gracie had to go potty and there were only the "squatty-potty" kind. I was so nervous but she went right in and used it like a pro. I wished I'd had a camera!!!
The White Swan has moved us because they are starting renovation on our floor. They put us in the adjacent apartments. We now have about 1700 square feet at our disposal!! Two bedrooms, two baths, a full kitchen, full laundry, living room, dining room, office, and 3 lanais!!! Jeannie and Kristen are next door in about 1200 square feet!!!!! Needless to say we are satisfied.
Here is a picture of Lily and Gracie so you can get an idea of her size. Tiny! Will try to blog more now that the Chinese side of things is over. We got our red book (the official adoption certificate) yesterday and are now just waiting for the passport. Next week we start with the Americans! Today we go to the Buddhist temple for a family blessing. Every time we walk by a Buddha Gracie points and smiles. Looks like we will be bringing one home.
Love to all and keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We can't wait to be home!

p.s.Well, I tried several times and can't seem to get the picture on here. Will try again after the Temple visit!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What made Gracie giggle?